Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Price of Beauty

The Price of Beauty on VH1

Premiering Wednesday March 15th 2010 at 10:00 p.m. Et/Pt

Check this out! What a wonderful way to look at the world of beauty! What an eye opening experience revealing the worlds views on what is beauty, and how it effects individuals across the globe. Kudos to Jessica and her team, and God bless it's about time!

Journeying from Tokyo and Thailand, to Paris and Rio, to Uganda, Morocco and India -- the cast is met in each city by a "beauty ambassador" who helps them tackle topics revolving around fashion, fitness, diet and outlandish spa treatments. In each country, Jessica, Ken and CaCee experience firsthand some of the local beauty rituals, from drinking cow urine in India, to being buried up to their necks in Tokyo, to drinking gourds of ghee in a fattening hut in Uganda. But it's not all fun and games -- Jessica also explores the high price that some women pay to feel beautiful. Imagine the plight of women in Northern Thailand, who wear 20-pound rings around their necks, crushing their clavicles, to a mother in Rio who cannot afford electricity, but is secretly saving for butt implants.


  1. I think the show will be really interesting. Love your blog!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
